
It’s HOT!

Poor Rosie has hardly been out on any proper walks for ages now, it’s just too hot! Rosie keeps seeing people walking their dogs during the day on hot pavements,…

Pinky Pal – Dave Turner, GemPort Jewellery

I first met Dave nearly four years ago, I loved the quality of the bespoke jewellery manufactured by GemPort and noted the prices were very reasonable too, however the jewellery…

I’m So In Love!

Yes I love my networking – and why wouldn’t I? I was very lucky when I first started out in business as a Virtual Assistant, not only did I meet…

Mark Northall from

Our Pinky Pal this month is someone who has been very supportive to me and my business for several years. Mark teaches and manages social media, he is also the…

Setting Your Networking Goals

Does anyone else find it weird that there have been very few networking events over the last two weeks? I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things…

How many people know you?

Those of you that do networking will no doubt meet loads of people, but do they know what you do? Do you know what they do? One thing that I…