
I Love You!

How often do you ask your clients for feedback? At I’m Your P.A. we do like to know what our clients think, it helps us to improve our service and…

Preparing for 2019

So Christmas is nearly upon us, our busiest time of the year is almost over, we have booked thousands of chimney sweeps, gas fire services and boiler services, so what…

I Hate Being Single – You Don’t Have To Be!

Funny isn’t it, many people become self employed or start their own businesses because they hate working for someone, yet when they are their own boss, they hate being single!…

Mark Northall from MarkNorthall.com

Our Pinky Pal this month is someone who has been very supportive to me and my business for several years. Mark teaches and manages social media, he is also the…

We lose 20% of our clients every year!

Most businesses would not share such a statistic, but for us this is one we are really proud of! The thing is, every year we lose 20% of our clients…

You have reached the O2 voicemail! Aaargh!

  Don’t you just hate it? You dial a number and get through to a non-personalised voicemail? Here are a few harsh facts for you regarding voicemails: 85/100 people reaching…

Todd The Social Media Cowboy from Spaghetti Agency

Todd – The Social Media Cowboy Meet the Social Media Cowboy! I believe many business owners struggle with marketing their business, and with so many “marketing gurus” out there it…

Your One Stop Shop!

Lots has been happening at I’m Your P.A. and things are about to improve again! Firstly we look forward to welcoming Tasha back after maternity leave, where did that ten…